Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Layout by Carolyn

I made this layout by using *Axess To My Heart* kit designed by Nezzidesigns. You can buy it HERE and HERE

This layout is of 5 of my grand children ( out of 9 Grand Children *LOL* ) and my youngest son, Adam.

Ryan, Taylor, Rayven, Leah and Dakota are all sharing Rainbow Gold Fish Snacks ( crackers). Uncle Adam is sneaking and snitching some too! These photos were taken July 2008. I made this layout on September 8, 2008. I really enjoy working with the kits designed by Nezzidesigns.

Thanks for looking!!


Nezzi said...

Looks GREAT, you DID it sweetie!!
I'm soo proud of you!! HUGS

Nezzi Design Squad said...

WOW Thank You Jessica...Now that this is done maybe I can chill out..*LOL* bundle of nerves here *LOL*