Friday, September 12, 2008

Hello and Some Kitties!

Hi, I'm Lynn and I am happy to be a part of this team. I love making layouts, and I enjoy learning new techniques to make my own papers and elements too. I saw the KittyKat Crush Kit...
and I knew that I had to use it! Here are my layouts so far:

This is my kitty Calvin. He didn't always have a crooked ear, it just appeared one day and stayed like that. I think it's cute though, it's like a "war wound" he can tell stories about to the other kitties (or at least that's what my husband says).
Calvin and his crooked ear

And here are some stray kitties who lived in a hole in our wall, literally.
Hole in the wall

KittyKat Crush can be found are these shops.
Busy SCrapping
Crafty Scraps
Happy scrapping!


1 comment:

Nexa (Jessica) said...

these lo's are awesome, and the kittys are SOOOO cute!! TYFS!!
HUGS, Jessica